Management Plan
The circumstances surrounding Saginomiya are changing significantly due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, increased trade barrier risks, global environmental initiatives, the shrinking Japanese market, and the emergence of new markets driven by advances in cutting-edge technology.
Saginomiya has launched its medium-term business plan, Progress85, to continue growing in such a challenging environment, We will constantly strive to become "a company that responds to change" by taking on the challenge of business innovation and achieving further development.
Basic Management Policy
Offer environment-friendly products and contribute to global society
Provide a workplace where all employees enjoy
working in the challenging job
Medium-term Management Plan Progress 85
With "glocalization" as our slogan in the medium-term management plan, we aim to achieve further growth.
Glocalization is a word coined by "globalization" and "localization."
It refers to the approach of thinking from a global perspective while engaging in activities closely connected to local regions.
For example, when supplying products internationally, it is important to provide not only universally applicable products and services but also customized products and services to meet each country's specific needs.
The "universally applicable products and services" relate to globalization, while "products and services to meet each country's specific needs" relate to localization.
Abilities to promote "Glocalization"
Saginomiya believes the most essential skills for promoting glocalization are "communication skills," "judgment," and "creativity."
All employees will collaborate to work towards Progress 85.
Communication skills
- Quick response ability
- Accurate Communication
- Sharing goals and values
‒ Activating in-house communication ‒
- Quick judgment
- Judgment to determine accurate information
- Judgment to capture the value which customers
demand and the value of products
- Swift creativity
- An environment where we can make full use of our creativity from seeking information
- Creating value for customers