Type KSK Pressure Sensors for Industrial Machinery
- Ideal for hydraulic measurements for construction machinery.
- Excellent durability and noise resistance.
- Ratiometric output
- Pressure range: 0 to 5MPa
General hydraulic measurements for construction machinery, agricultural machinery, etc.
Common Specifications
Fluid temperature range: -30 to 100℃
Operating ambient temperature range: -30 to 100℃
Current consumption: 10mA or less
Power supply voltage: 5V.DC ± 0.25 V
Maximum power supply voltage: 6V.DC
Load resistance: 1MΩ or more
Load capacity: 1,000 pF for capacitors or less
Enclosure (waterproof standard): IP66
Click below for inquiries regarding Type KSK Pressure Sensors for Industrial Machinery
Pressure Controls/Pressure Sensors
- Type ACB/LCB Small Pressure Controls
- Type CCB Small Pressure Controls for CO₂ Refrigerant
- Type CKB Pressure Controls for CO₂ Refrigerant
- Type HCB Small Pressure Controls for High Pressure
- Type SNS/HNS Single Function Pressure Controls
- Type FNS/ANS Pressure Controls with Narrow Differential
- Type DNS Dual Pressure Controls
- Type WNS/YNS Differential Pressure Controls
- Type ONS Oil Protection Controls
- Type SYS Single Function Pressure Controls
- Type DYS Dual Pressure Controls
- Type ETB/FTB/HTB/LTB Small Pressure Controls
- Type FES/SES Pressure Controls
- Type SPS/FPS/WPS/YPS Pressure & Differential Pressure Controls
- Type NSK Pressure Sensors
- Type HSK Pressure Sensors for CO₂ Refrigerant
- Type XSK Pressure Sensors
- Type YSK Pressure Sensors
- Type KSK Pressure Sensors for Industrial Machinery
- Type GSK Pressure Sensors
- Type FSK Pressure Sensors